
Empirical evidence indicates that there is a direct relationship between school infrastructure and educational performance and that investments in infrastructure contribute to improving the quality of education in the school and the economic performance of our country.

Away from home, schools become the place for children to spend their maximum time. It serves several purposes in a child’s life. From boosting their confidence to make them learn the importance of teamwork and socialization, schools do it all. An overcrowded and stressful environment can affect the learning capabilities of children. The site for educational institutions like schools is a crucial concern as noise and temperature levels are said to affect the understanding levels in students. Physical conditions can leave both positive and negative effects on the students’ all-inclusive development.  

Schools should create an environment that not only assures learning but also pays special attention to the mental and physical well-being of the students. Studies and researches conducted to figure out the effect of infrastructure suggest that students in schools with poor infrastructure can have lower achievement scores as compared to the ones studying in schools that have better infrastructure and facilities.

NDPS blends modern & minimalist 21st-century architecture with the beauty of nature. On the one hand, there is a state of the art complexes that house world-class education and sports facilities and on the other hand, there are lush green lawns lined with trees that engulf the school.

It’s a two-story free area of the energy that fuels the imagination with a capacity of 100 readers at a time. The library consists of 18,700 books and 13 dailies.

The library

At NDPS the rooms have four walls with tomorrow inside. With well-trained teachers and well-equipped needful aids, the learning experience goes uninterrupted and super fun.


The importance of a homely warmth on the dining table is much more than we think. So we aim at serving comfort, tasty and nutritious food to all our students.

dining hall

We have, well constructed and well-equipped grounds and areas for all the different sports.

sports facilities

A big area at the center of the school with a perfect view of classes and corridors from where the day starts with the prayer.

Assembly area

Well-equipped labs enable students to perform lab activities more effectively and with much more interest.
