
NDPS believes in enabling and encouraging young people to reap the benefits of training and preparation. We prize the fulfillment that comes through performance and self-expression.

Friendship and the appreciation of the talents of others are deepened by teamwork and by individual achievement. Skillful coaching further supports them. Sports, Arts, Design, Drama, Music, Outdoor Activities and CCF-all these work to foster confidence, to broaden horizons, to offer opportunities for healthy enjoyment and to help pupils to grow both as individuals and also as members of a community. The school prides itself on the breadth of opportunity it provides for the pupils.

In sport, pupils gain so much from the experience of teamwork, the willingness to commit wholeheartedly to competition, the challenges of handling victory and defeat with grace, the discipline of training and the opportunities to represent others in a fitting manner.

The performing and creative arts form an equally valuable part of our curriculum. Music enriches so many occasions, large and small; players and performers work with outstanding teachers in order to hone their skills, rehearse pieces and, ultimately, to face the challenge of performance.

Drama is both exuberant and rigorous; the Art and the Design Classes hum with creative energy, and the quality of the work of our young artists and actors is extremely impressive.

The school’s successful NCC provides many chances to develop valuable skills and to grow through challenging experiences.

Opportunities for pupil-led charitable and service initiatives abound.

Beyond the school the vibrant and resourceful Old NDPIAN Club offers further opportunity in the world of work by offering extended career networking programs and by offering varied opportunities for social engagement and sporting challenge long after pupils have left.